Sunday, July 28, 2013



The following are some possible themes which you may select:
 Urban veranda: interaction between streets, pedestrian walkways and the shop-fronts (veranda as a place for people to mingle, rest)
 Urban streetscapes: back lanes, signage, pedestrian network, courtyards, permeable/impermeable surroundings
 Ripples of life: Religious/Spiritual, Political, Social, Cultural aspects of the city and rural areas, identity
 Hybrid morphology: transition or overlapping between old and new architecture and culture, new interventions
 Architectural and urban language: facades, style, massing, scale, technology, colour, texture, materials, ornamentation, nodes, grids, courtyards etc
 Constructed landscapes


The aim of our research proposal is to come up with design solutions that will help to improve the conditions of our chosen site, as well as to show how these improvements can increase the interaction between the people and the environment.

Our secondary aims are to address certain issues and weaknesses of the site, such as safety issues at night and others, which will be further discussed at the final part of this research.

The objectives of this research proposal are as follows:

1.    To create and interaction between people and the urban setting
This is the general idea of an urban veranda. We would like to design something that will enable people to interact with their surrounding environment; in our case it is the empty space beneath the flyover, as well as the adjacent street.

2.    To make the site more feasible to the passers-by and the general public.
Currently, the site is not being fully utilized. People generally use the shady site as a walkway, to get from one place to another. The site is situated in a busy area of KL and we would like to propose a design idea that will enable the current users of the site, as well as to attract more people to use the site for various functions, for resting and mingling.

3.    To upgrade the conditions of the site, to have a positive impact on the surrounding built environment.
As aforementioned, issues such as safety (due to homeless and beggars occupying the street at night) as well as rubbish must be tackled in order for the urban veranda to be a success and to have a positive impact on the environment.

site plan

site permeability

site movement

usage of site

future site usage

suggestions what to design

empty space underneath the LRT flyover

As a conclusion, we feel that we have come up with a good research study that is able to help us to come up with our own various design strategies for the urban veranda. The interviews we conducted helped us get a clearer picture on the public’s opinion of an ideal urban veranda setting, which will help us to achieve Objective 2, ‘to make the site more feasible to the passers-by and the general public’. Our observations and site studies helped us to know the site better and to make decisions that are wary of current site conditions and issues, which will help us to fulfill Objective 3, ‘to upgrade the conditions of the site, to have a positive impact on the surrounding built environment’. The various precedent studies we did further helped us get more ideas on how the urban veranda is being implemented overseas.

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