Saturday, July 5, 2014


Project 1: Preliminary Studies

The objectives of this assignment are as follows:
  1. To have an overview of the formation of cities and introduce basic concepts of urban design in relation to architectural design
  2. To introduce and implement basic methodologies of urban studies
  3. To investigate the role of market-places in traditional and contemporary urban societies
  4. To examine various examples and architectural responses for urban infills

    Learning Outcomes of this Project
    1. Conduct case studies and site analysis to generate an understanding of the physical and cultural context and development of urban environments
    2. Determine and describe the role of a market-place in a contemporary urban setting
    3. Examine and establish appropriate architectural responses and strategies for designing within an
      urban infill site
    4. Produce necessary documentation (diagrams, mappings, photographic images, orthographic
      drawings and models) to record and communicate site analysis findings, and for further use in the coming design stages

      Project 2: Interim and Final Submission

      All students are required to submit 6 A1 Panels in portrait layout, and are required to contain the following (that is currently listed in your Weekly Checklist) alongside the model submission requirements:
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      To include street context and feature three key spaces for integrated for lighting and acoustic design and key interstitial space/public realm

      SITE & ROOF PLAN Scale 1:400
      PLANS Scale 1:200
      Ground Floor Plan to include site plan details (i.e. surrounding streets, neighbouring building footprints, etc.)

      SECTIONS Scale 1:100
      To include site boundaries and context

      ELEVATIONS Scale 1:100
      To include streetscape and context

      To communicate ideas explored during sketch design and design development phases to address the project’s criteria, AND to communicate elevational studies and exploration in relation to the street

      DETAIL WALL SECTION Scale 1:20
      Section from roof to foundation to communicate façade design detail in relation to structure and internal spaces

      FINAL MODEL Scale 1:200 to fit tutorial group site model
      To express design of façade and roof of building in relation to its site surroundings

      STUDY MODELS Various
      To comprise of all series of study and development models produced during Sketch Design and Design Development phases

      Bonus material of additional drawings, diagrams, sketches, renders, perspectives, etc. to further communicate features of the design scheme

      250 – 500 words to include references, citations and bibliography

      C// Final Panel Layout
      The format of your Final Panels will be standardized and subject to your tutor’s respective instructions and suggestions. The suggested standardized layout for your panels is as follows:

      Panel 1 To include Sectional Perspective
      Panel 2 To include Project Description, Site & Roof Plan, all Plans
      Panel 3 To include diagrams and related drawings/images of ideas and issues studied and developed during the Sketch Design and Design Development phases (i.e. Massing Strategy, Spatial and Programmatic Layout) Panel 4 & 5 To include Sections
      Panel 5 & 6 To include Elevations and diagrams or other relevant visuals pertaining to the design development and detailing of the Façade(s); and Detail Wall Section

      Please note: all drawings are to be produced to Design/Presentation Drawing standards and are to comply to the appropriate drawing conventions with accurate linetypes, lineweights and symbols, and adequated titled and labelled (i.e. rooms and spaces.)
      It is necessary that all students have resolved their mock layouts on A3 by Week 11, along with obtaining their respective lecturer’s approval on the suggested/intended mode of production: be it Digital or Manual.
      The expected outcome for the Internal Review are completed drawings and finalized layouts of the 6 A1 Panels, sans rendering of drawings.
      D// Assessment Criteria
      For more information on the Assessment Criteria (i.e. what we will be evaluating of your design scheme), please refer to pg. 2 and 4 of your Project Brief under Design Visualization and Marking Criteria. 

      first interim

      internal review

      first draft of final submission

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